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// English CV



Master // Visual Arts - Art History, Theory, and Criticism


Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Bachelor // Visual Arts


Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Bachelor // Social Communication - Journalism


Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil



DAAD / Winterkurs

Berlin, Germany


CAPES / UFRGS (fellowship for Master's degree)


Researcher and member // 2019-present

Research group “Audiovisual sem destino” 

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil



Researcher and organizer // 2018

Extension project “Art and Feminism”

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil



Member and Co-founder // 2015-present

“Nítida - photography and feminism” collective

Independent collective of women photographers that make research regarding women in history of photography and organize different events and workshops (website)




Book chapter

“Manifestations, feminisms and feminists: criticism and humor in the works of Alice Porto”. Orgs: KERN, Daniela; SALVATORI, Maristela. In: Pulsações e desdobramentos: vozes femininas.1 ed. Porto Alegre: Marcavisual, 2020.


Academic Articles

“Postcards for another Art History”. Revista Fotocronografias, v. 6, n. 11, p. 174, 2020

“Women who love women: an investigation into the history of visual arts”. Revista Valise, v.8, p.125, 2018.

“On being a lesbian and an artist: reflections on photography by Alice Austen”. Anais do 27o Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas, São Paulo, SP, 2018.


Master’s dregree dissertation:

“Stories of resistance and (in)visibilities: The lesbian artist as a protagonist in image construction of women who love women”, 2019.

Other publications:


Papers were presented in different universities around Brazil:

USP - University of São Paulo

UNESP - State University of São Paulo

UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

FURG - Federal University of Rio Grande  

UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina

UDESC - State University of Santa Catarina

UFRJ/UERJ - Federal and State Universities of Rio de Janeiro

And I also talked about my research in several

academic and non-academic events


As a member of Nítida Collective:



"Fotógrafas Feministas"

(Feminist Photographers)

Fora da Asa

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


"Mulheres na fotografia: protagonismo e memória"

(Women in photography: protagonism and memory)

Casa Baka - Arte e Cultura

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil



"Mulheres na fotografia: protagonismo e memória"

(Women in photography: protagonism and memory)

Course given during the 13th Women's World Congress

University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Floriánopolis, SC, Brazil



Solo exhibitions



“Afeto Rígido”

Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil



“Faces das Missões”

Santo Ângelo and São Miguel das Missões, RS, Brazil


Main group exhibitions



Dialogias de Resiliência

Art Museum of Federal University of Paraná 

Curitiba, PR, Brazil



Art in Ad Places

Street intervention 

New York, USA


“‘Atentxs e fortes - 50 anos de Stonewall

Casa da Cultura da América Latina

Brasília, DF, Brazil


CUBIC 4 - Bienal de Curitiba

 Galeria DeArtes, Federal University of Paraná 

Curitiba, PR, Brazil

CUBIC 4 - 2nd Edition

 Caixa Cultural de Curitiba 

Curitiba, PR, Brazil


Nítida Collective Exhibition

Casa Baka

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Nítida Collective projection

7th Tiradentes Photography Festival

Tiradentes, MG, Brazil

Between 2016 and 2017

my project "OMA" was part of

several group exhibitions around Brazil:


"II Exposição Internacional Arte e Gênero"

13th Women's Worlds

Federal University of Santa Catarina

Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

"FRESTA - Mostra Audiovisual"

Federal University of Rio Grande

Rio Grande, RS, Brazil

"Subjetivações compartilhadas"

Federal University of Santa Maria

Santa Maria, RS, Brazil


“Brazilian Contemporary Photography”

Porto Alegre FotoFestival

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Casa França Brasil 

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

“Research Cycle in Visual Arts”

State University of Santa Catarina

Florianópolis, SC, Brazil


2013 / 2014

The project “um eu só” was part of different

Photography Festivals around Brazil:

Porto Alegre (RS), Canela (RS),

Curitiba (PR), Tiradentes (MG).

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